Winter Is Here (at last)

With the final season of Game of Thrones (GoT) fast approaching, I have been racking my brains to see if I can tenuously link it to recruitment. Let’s see if I can!

So, GoT is very similar to recruitment (solid start) …

Everyone this side of the wall have their sights set on their dream job, which is of course to sit on the Iron Throne and rule the seven kingdoms.

In the past, some people have fallen into the position (excuse the pun – poor Tommen). Some people like Ned Stark have been overlooked as there was only one person in the decision making process, and there are even some people that are qualified and don’t even know it like Gendry.

Cersei is currently in the sought after position, and normally a handover would be useful for any successful candidate, however in this case we’re all hoping this won’t be possible; so you’d need to source someone who can come in and hit the ground running.

If I was recruiting for the position I’d love Daenerys or Jon Snow CV’s finding its way to my desk, delivered by raven, but In the real world this rarely happens.

Therefore it’s important to source the right candidates and to not overlook people based on a CV only. For example, Tyrion’s CV may read “found guilty of killing my nephew; killed my father whilst he was on the toilet and I love getting drunk”. Personally I probably wouldn’t call this candidate, but if I did, I’d find an articulate man with all the qualifications to be fantastic at the job.

So in a nutshell, GoT is nothing like recruitment but it starts on Monday and I’m ridiculously excited about it.

Dan Beecher

Rec2Rec Consultant

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