Continuous Improvement
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s also the time when many employees will be having appraisals conducted for the past 12 months and personal development plans put in place for 2019. While this may seem like a pointless tick box exercise to some, on both sides of the table, it is important to remember that they can serve a really strong purpose.
All too easily we can find ourselves drifting through our jobs on a day to day basis with no clear direction – this is especially true when you have become accustomed and comfortable in a role that brings home a nice pay cheque at the end of each month. However, I am of the opinion that we should consistently strive to learn and achieve more, even if the only benefit is to stimulate our minds and improve our well-being as a consequence. If we are spending a large proportion of our week in the workplace then we may as well use it as an opportunity to upskill and increase our knowledge.
My experience with performance reviews is somewhat chequered, and I take my share of the blame in this. Early on in my career I couldn’t put my hand on my heart and say that I fully immersed myself in the process, to be honest it was one of those things I was glad to get out of the way. However, as time moved on I saw it as the perfect platform to show the value I had added to the business and how I could make an even bigger impact moving forward. Unfortunately this wasn’t always reciprocated by previous employers which is why I feel so passionately that it is essential for both parties to invest the necessary time into appraisals and PDPs.
So as we head into the new year and we inevitably set ourselves resolutions like losing weight, cutting back on alcohol and joining the gym, why not throw in the resolution to stick to your PDP and its objectives. Take ownership and get your manager to agree to regular catch up meetings, this will allow them to assess how you are progressing and identify any training needs. Ultimately your continuous improvement can only be beneficial to them and the business at large so why wouldn’t they embrace it.
Even if you didn’t enjoy reading the above have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Adam Williams
Technical & Engineering Consultant
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