How to survive a bad day

Bad days unfortunately happen, you know when from the moment you wake up you are just in a crappy mood and you just can’t shift that woke up on the wrong side of the bed mentality. Once you get inside your own head the smallest things that on other days would be minor manifest themselves and turn into major annoyances – adding too much milk to your tea, being stuck behind a tractor for approximately 75% of your commute* and your colleague continually switching songs on the Sonos after they have played for 30 seconds (here’s looking at you Dom).

This combination of let’s face it minor annoyances may have turned me from my usually (fairly) optimistic self in to more a passive aggressive grump but it is 10:44 now, the kettle is on and in my opinion the worst part of Monday is over, and it is almost lunchtime.

To conclude this overall very pointless insight in to my Monday morning on a slightly more positive note. It does not matter if you love or loathe your job, when that alarm goes off the morning after the weekend, I doubt many people leap out of bed with excitement like a kid on Christmas. But ultimately a bad morning does not have to turn in to a bad week, in the words of the great philosopher of our time T Swift “Shake it off”

Happy Monday everyone!

If you need a bit of inspiration to get you through your Monday have a quick look at this list of people who are definitely having a worse day than you:

*I drive a 1 litre Ford Fiesta, overtaking can be an issue at the best of times, never mind when my commute is down country lanes.

Adam Williams

Technical & Engineering Consultant

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