Human vs Tech

I bloody love gadgets and inventions.  I’ve long admired the creative and crazed minds of inventors who can bring ideas to life.  Ask me my ideal car and it’s not a Lamborghini or Rolls Royce – it’s the DeLorean from ‘Back to the Future’ – that’s right Doc Brown is a hero of mine.  Even the seemingly useless inventions I find fascinating such as toilet golf, cat wigs and shoe umbrellas.  Did you know that you can actually get diet water now!


I’m heavily reliant on technology in my role as I’m sure most others are.  I use various innovative hardware and software packages on a daily basis, all designed to make processes easier.  Particularly useful are the job boards I have access to which puts me in touch with candidates actively seeking a new job.  These are amazing platforms for individuals to sell themselves to employers and recruiters alike.  It is important to note though that CVs and profiles only tell part of the story which is why we feel it is essential to have an in depth phone conversation with each and every suitable candidate before we submit them for a vacant position.  When it comes to the crunch pre-screening questions answered via the internet will only tell you so much about a person.  The character of an applicant will always be more easily defined and judged by a fellow human being.


In an increasingly technologically dependent world there comes with it the underlying fear that AI and robotics will replace people in the workplace.  What does that mean for the job market?  Will this make a large portion of the population unemployed?  For me there will always be the need for human intervention and their input, it just depends on the extent or scale of this.  You can replicate certain traits and behaviours but measuring emotion and the inner workings of the mind is exponentially more difficult.  So while I am a staunch advocate of new technologies, this is on the basis that they can help enhance experiences and processes for humans and not replace them.

Adam Williams

Technical & Engineering Consultant

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