If you know, you know. But you probably don’t.

How many times have you said to someone “I’ve got no idea what I’m doing with my life”?

I’ll take a stab in the dark, but probably quite a few. It’s one of those things you throw out there if someone asks you where you work, and you feel it’s not impressive enough, if you have a goal you think is unrealistic and would rather pretend you weren’t sure than explain why you haven’t tried or when you genuinely just do not have a scooby.

Having a life plan is a daunting task. You’re made to choose your future options at such a young age. How at the age of 16 can you expect someone to decide what they want to do at university when most of the time the biggest concern they have looming is how many likes their last snapchat filtered selfie got?

Schools ingrain in you that Uni is the only way forward (sorry Dom, it’s not). Yes, I can see where it has its place and certain professions, you’d expect someone to have gone through an extensive education. Call me a prude but I don’t want Gary from down the road in charge of that all so important 3 yearly test. I want someone who knows what they’re doing. There’s a time and a place for one of those Catherine Tate “I can do that” moments, and let me tell you, it’s not with a clamp or a swab.

My best friend is 29 and only within the last 2 or 3 years has she had the revelation of what she sees herself doing for the foreseeable future. Lucky for her she’s really bloody good at it, but she spent a good 10 years thinking “what do I do now?”.

There is more and more pressure around doing well than ever before. Whether it’s your pushy parents, your over achieving siblings, girls from school posting bikini shots on Insta during their 4th trip to Dubai this year or just your own personal desire to be successful.

When we’re young we’re going to be one of two things, a footballer or a popstar. That bubble pops when you realise your mum didn’t enrol you into stage school when she should have, and you sound like Mariah Carey on that edited video of her singing All I Want For Christmas. Not great.

Just feel comfort in the fact that 79% of people* also don’t know. Rest assured knowing other people are unrested. Bask in the glory of someone else having that awkward conversation with their new girlfriend’s dad about the job they have that was only supposed to be a stop gap 4 years ago.

Not everyone knows what to do but eventually it’ll come to you. Whether that’s in 2, 3, 4 or 15 years. It will eventually.

All good things come to those who wait and all that. Unless it’s an Asos package then you have free next day delivery for a year, at only £9.99.**

M x


*Not a real fact at all

**Open to discussing sponsored blog posts

Adam Williams

Technical & Engineering Consultant

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