Sleep is great!

So, last night I did something amazing, without even meaning to – I slept for 13 hours straight.

I thought I needed a little nap before heading out to the gym; so after dinner I got into bed … the next thing I know, its 7am and I’m in a rush to get to work.

This was a really surreal feeling, as it felt like I only finished work an hour ago!

Yes, I’ve had a busy week both inside work and outside of work, however where did this marathon sleepathon come from?  Does my body know it’s a Bank Holiday weekend and therefore I’d need rest to be on top form for all the beer garden drinks and bbq’s?  Or does it stem from being one of those people that got up early to watch the new Game of Thrones on Monday morning?

Whatever the reason, waking up after being asleep for over half a day is strange. I had no idea about the football results from the night before until I got in my car and heard Ally McCoist talking about Chelsea’s away goal, which got me thinking about how Liverpool didn’t get one the night before (sad times).

I also missed a very busy night on Whatsapp by the looks of it, waking up to over 100 unread messages! Unfortunately it turns out that I didn’t win on Dom’s charity scratchcard and I missed a conversation about how a couple of the curry club lads look like Arnie and Devito from Twins.

I suppose the moral of this story is that if you’re tired, sleep, as you probably need it!

Have a great Bank Holiday weekend.

Danny B

Dan Beecher

Rec2Rec Consultant

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