The big 2 5
It’s happening. It’s been a long build up to this point… in fact it’s been the longest build up of anything I’ve ever done in the whole world. I’ve never done anything which has taken this much preparation.
I’m turning 25 in less than two weeks.
Turns out when you get to it, you’re still 18 on the inside wishing it was acceptable to drink tropical VKs and party until 4am. It just isn’t anymore. You’re the oldest person in the room. Where you once knew everyone and felt like a proper grown up, you now feel like a prude old bag with no clue on what’s cool anymore, and why all these children have no clothes on.
Who knew that within 5 years you’d become so unaware. I’m not sure if it’s given me a push of confidence that I’m finally growing up, or if it’s done the opposite.
I’ve realised that I’m now in a job which I don’t see myself leaving any time soon and I can afford to buy things I want and not feel a huge amount of remorse straight after – mainly because the parcels come to my own house now, and not my mums, so I don’t have to sneak them up the stairs and have her asking how I can afford it if I’m so poor.
Here’s a couple things I’ve realised for myself (yes, some are very obvious, but do 20 year olds take it on board? No)
– Time isn’t limitless. That shit keeps going. Tick tock the clock doesn’t stop. You realise how quickly everything seems to go and how little you’ve made time for important people or events in your life.
– People don’t really tell you what to do anymore. You need to just do it yourself and if you don’t do it, nobody else will. (Unless you’re my husband, then I will for you).
– When people say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know – they’re not far off. The size of your network, knowing the industry you’re in and who is who is key to building a profile for yourself.
– If you spend all your money all the time, you won’t have any. Put money away each month. You never know when that big fat MOT bill comes through and everything goes tits up. Panicking whenever you go to a cash machine is no longer an option.
– Small talk gets harder.
– Getting ID’d is great.
– You’re too old to do something you don’t enjoy. What’s the point? See the first bullet point.
Can’t wait to get reeeeally old (Adams age) and laugh at this article of me thinking 25 is it.
M x
Adam Williams
Technical & Engineering Consultant
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